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2022 |
Komoditas Unggulan Perikanan Budidaya Di Kabupaten Nunukan. Authors: Kurniawan., Sondakh, M. Alexiana, C., & Wijaya, M. M |
JFMR. Universitas Brawijaya. Sinta 3 |
2022 |
Keterkaitan Demografi Dan Kemiskinan Di Kalimantan Utara. Authors: Kurniawan., Nuhriyati, S., Fitriyani, N., & Roberto, R. E. |
Jurnal Kinerja. Universitas Mulawarman. Sinta 5 |
2022 |
Kompleksitas Permasalahan Kemiskinan Dan Lingkaran Konsumsi Tembakau Di Indonesia. Authors: Kurniawan. |
Jurnal Sosio Informa. Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia. Sinta 2 |
2021 |
Evaluasi Dampak Dana Desa Terhadap Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa Di Indonesia. Authors: Kurniawan. |
Jurnal Forum Ekonomi. Universitas Mulawarman. Sinta 4 |
2020 |
Hubungan Brand Experience, Brand Image, Brand Satisfaction, Dan Brand Loyalty Dalam Pespektif Four-Stage Loyalty Model (Studi Terhadap Mahasiswa Pengguna Smartphone Di Tarakan) Authors: Rahmat dan Marso |
Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, Vol 14, No. 1 (2020) ISSN: 1907-235X, e-ISSN: 2597-615X http://jurnalpemasaran.petra.ac.id/i ndex.php/mar/article/view/22467 |
2020 |
Influence Of The Upscale Café Servicescape On Satisfaction And Loyalty Intention Authors: Marso, Rafiq Idris, and Lydia Ari Widyarini |
https://www.atlantis- press.com/proceedings/insyma- 20/125933187 |
2019 |
Religiosity And Its Consequences In Halal Food Purchasing Behaviour: An Empirical Evidence From Tarakan, Indonesia And Tawau, Malaysia Authors: Marso and Haslinda Hasan |
Journal of the Asian Academy of Applied Business Vol. 6 (December, 2019), 1 – 15 ISSN 1675-9869 https://jurcon.ums.edu.my/ojums/in dex.php/JAAAB/article/view/2011 |
2019 |
A Structural Model Of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, And Customer Loyalty In The Hotel Industry: A Case Study Of Tarakan City, Indonesia Authors: Marso and Sri Gunawan |
Proceeding The 2019 International Conference of Organizational Innovation, at Ulsan University, South Korea https://www.atlantis- press.com/proceedings/icoi- 19/125919379 |
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2018 |
The Antecedents And Consequences Of Ecotourist Place Attachment Authors: Marso and Sri Gunawan |
The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation, KnE Social Sciences, pages 274–291. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i10.3380 https://knepublishing.com/index.ph p/Kne- Social/article/view/3380/7120 |
2018 |
Destination Image And Its Consequences In The Perspective Of Four-Stage Loyalty Model (An Empirical Evidence From Visitors Of Tarakan City, Indonesia) Authors: Marso and Sri Gunawan |
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16 (2), pp. 269-278 . doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16( 2).2018.25 (Scopus Q3) |
2015 |
Pengaruh Investasi Dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Serta Ketimpangan Pendapatan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Tingkat Kemiskinan Di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Authors: Fitriyani, N. |
Jurnal ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Mulawarman. |
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